A Few Words from My Clients...


"This was a birthday gift for a CEO of a transportation company. It included her personal and business history and her charitable work. It also shows her mom and siblings and she and her children. What a great way to celebrate a life. We gave Carolyn her Life Map on Saturday and she loved it.  She remembered hearing about Life Maps and loved the small world story of you actually knowing who my dad was talking about.  She said she loved gifts like that."

"I love reading my LifeMap and reliving all my great memories from the past.  By far, my favorite 40th birthday present!  Thank you for all of your creativity and hard work, Ronnis"

Shortly after I did this 50th anniversary map, the wife passed away.  A few months later I met a woman who knew the couple.  She told me, "They had your map on display at her funeral and everyone enjoyed reading all the stories about her."

Their children gave their parents this LifeMap as a holiday gift.  Here are a few of their comments: “It warms my heart whenever I look at it.” “We can relive the stories of our memories whenever we want to.”  “One of the most clever gifts we ever received.”

“My grateful thanks for making up the collage of my life.  You picked up all the highlights and the picture is a true cinema of my life.  It is a picture to be cherished and lots of care went into it.  Thank you again.”

"He loved his life map for his birthday. He said it really captured and highlighted those major life events in a very creative way." 
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