A Few Words from My Clients...


WOW - the LifeMap was a huge hit with our Dad.  He was overwhelmed.  Here are a few of his statements: 1.  I want to be buried with the LM :)    2.  When I get it home I am going to look at one statement everyday. He put it just behind his desk so he can see it in what we call his  'cave'  which is filled with all kinds of pictures from over the years.

He loved it!!!!  He was initially "puzzled" as he took it out of the gift bag and began unwrapping the paper the framer had put around it.  When he saw the LifeMap, he stared at it for several moments and kept saying "oh my, oh my, this is great, I can't believe you remembered all these happenings".   He continued to just take it all in and remark about the memories it evoked...thankfully, I had saved it as the last present for him to open or he would have ignored the others.  I noticed him looking at it several times throughout the day before he carefully wrapped it up to take to work the next day.  He says numerous people have come in to see it and have been very impressed.  He kept saying what a wonderful job you did and yes, he did remember meeting you and seeing your work - we just couldn't remember exactly where that was!  Our son was also impressed even though he only saw the photo of it...however, he had seen your website and knew his dad would be happy with it. Many thanks again for creating an original and memorable conversation piece for the birthday guy!  

Yes, Ronnis, I DID get my Lifemap and I love it.  Got lots of tears in my eyes and my husband did too - and had a few questions about various pieces on the map!  You did a great job.  Several artist friends of mine have seen it and commented on your wonderful creativity.  Neat!

The map arrived on Sat. morning-in time for Sunday's party. You did well and got a lot in.  We need a bigger frame yet to buy, but put it in one large enough for the presentation. Many of the cousins and friend who were here noted it and were very pleased and delighted with the cleverness of the design and the elements in it that they could appreciate..  Mother was pleased too, but taken up with so many guests and speeches and well wishes. 

It is wonderful!!!!!  The Life Map was a surprise along with the party and friends that showed up for coffee and cake.  Then people started asking me about this event or that, which was even more fun to tell them what something was about.  You do such great work and we thank you so very much.  Take care and many thanks.

They liked the map.  The ladies at the shower enjoyed looking at the map.  One lady was interested in finding out how to get one.  Thanks so much for your talent in presenting their story.
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