A Few Words from My Clients...


They received this LifeMap for their 50th anniversary.  Her sister reported: I brought it over to my sister and showed it to her while all her friends were there and she was going “omg Bob!!!”  Look at this!  Look at this!  OMg, how cute! OMG!  A picture of my book…Wallys!!!  Our favorites, look at this!!  Showing everyone!  It was a hit!  Thank you for all of your hard work! 

She was given this LifeMap by a friend and former co-worker to celebrate her retirement.  She loved it and said she was impressed by how thoughtful a gift it is.

"I have not the words to express my gratitude for the LifeMap that you created for me. At first glance, when it was given to me by my wife and daughters, it seemed like a cute little novelty. But as I examined it, I found such a depth of memory that I was, and am still, completely overwhelmed. There, on that one piece of paper - so much of my life, of me! Your skills as an interviewer are obviously superb, for you gathered so much that was important in my life and found a way to include it all in what appeared, at first, to be just a lighthearted and clever little cartoon. And yes, it will look cute when it is framed and hung on a wall, but it is really my story, as it has never been told before, and I treasure it."

He said, "She loved it.  She cried and that is not a common sight."  She said, "Thank you for taking such care in creating a beautiful map commemorating my life to this point.  It is a continual reminder of how truly blessed I am.  Every time I look at it I see something new and am reminded of special times in my life.  You can tell that you spent a great deal of time creating such a fantastic memoir for me.  Thanks again for my fantastic LifeMap!"

This map was given to him by his brother and sister. His wife had them on a Face Time call so they could watch him open it and see his reaction.  She said, “It took him a few seconds to realize what it was. Your card dropped out and he looked at it and said, “Oh, it’s a life map,” but he still wasn’t sure what it was because he didn’t have his glasses.  After he put on his glasses, the fun began. He read everything out loud and we were all cracking up. He said, “This is my whole life! This is everything I’ve ever said. I’ve said all these things in the last two days!”  He was so thankful to them and said he was overwhelmed. He’s had it for an hour and he’s still finding things he didn’t see at first.

My sister got me a LifeMap for my fortieth birthday, ten years ago! It has been displayed in my house ever since and I still love it just as much as I did the first time I saw it. So many great memories! It reminds of times that I may have forgotten about without the map and always makes me laugh over our cherished memories. It’s such a conversation piece and my most treasured gift from my sister. Highly recommend as a gift! "
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