
LifeMaps likes to partner with quality merchants to bring you the best possible products and services.  These are all qualified and reputable vendors.  However, LifeMaps cannot be held liable for the content of such websites, third party privacy practices or business practices.  If you see, read, or notice questionable content, please email us.   Please click the Contact Us button and use the “Additional Information” space to communicate your concerns.  If you are interested in linking with LifeMaps, please contact us by joining our mailing list and inquiring.

A Touch of Elegance Event Planning - Planning your event with a touch of elegance (IL)

AMP DJ Services - Affordable, mic friendly DJ (IL)

Hip Beyond Belief - Creative videos and photos to tell your story (both personal and business)

Bloomin’ Books - Personalized children's books

Great Chicago Kiddie Train - Train rides for carnivals, festivals, corporate and school events (IL)

Betsy’s One of a Kind - Custom-made costume jewelry and repair (IL)

Gift Bandit - Invitations, cards, calligraphy, party favors, stationery, stickers (IL)